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make your day dance

Post-performance reflection: kindergarten

June 9th, 2010 · 5 Comments · Tags: ···

First, a rush of relief — the performances came off fantastically!

Then, the rush of all the “to-do’s” that have been piling up… scheduling for next year, plans for end-of-year activities & events, grades for report cards, & post-performance reflections.

Here are some of kindergarten responses after watching a video of their work (the writing is first-draft, with best-guess spelling!):*

* Ethnic background, as identified by the family, shows if your cursor hovers over the sample.

We danced on the stage! I am have fun

We danced on the stage! I was happy about to dance with my frens

We danced on the stage! I felt proud I danced on the stage we did alot of dancedis! we did alot of dance is to showe are femily!

We danced on the stage! I felt nurves

We danced on the stage! I felt proud of myself! and I saw my baby casin and my antie!

5 Comments so far ↓

  • maria hanley

    these are really great! I always love to see the performance through their eyes! :) Congrats on another great year!

  • megrm

    Thanks, Maria! I especially like David’s drawing of the contradance they did (called the KinderReel)!

  • Katie R.

    This is a fabulous way to have the kids reflect on their performance – I especially love how they illustrate the steps in their dances :)

  • megrm

    I like watching them work — some of them start with the illustration and barely get to the writing, while others start writing & then illustrate. In kindergarten, more draw first than write — and some never get to the writing!

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