Yesterday I was preparing 4 groups to perform on Monday. It’s always touch-and-go. I want whatever we’re rehearsing to challenge them to practice new skills. But I don’t want rehearsal to usurp too many of our sessions together.
I taught my 3rd graders a lovely dance I learned from Sanna Longden last week — “I Don’t Care if the Rain Comes Down.” Once they were over the shock and ickiness of changing partners with each repeat (which is one of the skills I wanted them to practice), they were so lively & engaged dancing it, I thought, “OK, let’s show this!”
Tuesday we worked out a lot of kinks & it was looking good, but yesterday we did it again & again, and each time some kid would be standing there without a partner. There is nobody quite so forlorn-looking as a 3rd grader, boy or girl, without a partner. An orphan, miserable from rejection & abandonment. Not a pretty sight to put on stage…
We tried again & again. We fixed the two kids who were running, the one who was passing others in line, the one who was anticipating her next partner incorrectly & the game of tag that cropped up between 2 dancers. Still we couldn’t get through the dance without orphans & it was a different problem every time. I decided I’d misjudged — they couldn’t do it! In an attempt to salvage our time together & let them feel successful, I decided to called it quits, apologized for choosing a dance that might be too hard & suggested we give it up for now & have some fun.
They wouldn’t have it. The room was noisy with problem-solving. Finally, out of the noise, a hand went up: “Why don’t we try it without the music?” They voted: a resounding yes! So we did. We sang the song slowly, we stopped at each transition, we checked, we corrected, we restarted again & again. Finally, it started to flow, from phrase to phrase, partner to partner, without stopping, no mistakes, everyone with a partner. Each time we completed a round, they looked happier — and really satisfied!
Finally, we ran it with the music again. This time, not only were they energetic, changing & finding partners, but as they passed each other in clockwise & counterclockwise circles, they were smiling & waving to each person they passed! Hopefully, they’ve made all the mistakes that can be made, and they’ll perform it with smiles & waves. But the performance is less important than the persistence already achieved.
Hey! Great dance blog!
I wanted to let you know about a new teen dance contest sponsored by Applegate Farms. It’s called “Eat To A New Beat” and has a great message behind the contest. All the info’s in the press release: or on our website: Feel free to share with your readers. Thanks!
Thank you for this post Meg. Always checking in for a bit of inspiration from time to time. This is just what I needed for myself right now- a reminder that persistence is the only way through a tough challenge. Thank you for writing. It is very encouraging to read about your work.
Thanks for being there & responding! Persistence is sort of the story of my life this year — I’ve had my hands full & it’s been hard to find time to write — but it really clears my head when I do! All the better when someone answers…
I am really enjoying your website right now. I am especially interested, because I just got a job as a dance specialist at a charter school that starts in September. Any advice. I start my “teacher training:” in July, and I have to learn a whole assessment and grading process.
Congratulations on the job! Those steep learning curves are tough but engaging. The assessment and grading process, of course, depends on the school, community & state — expectations & standards and all. Feel free to ask specific questions here or email as you discover what you’re needing to know more about: mahoney.megr@gmail.