It was a great summer! Among other adventures, we spent three weeks in Panama — and finally saw traditional dances on our last night in Panama City. It reminded me a bit of the dances we saw in Merida, in the Yucatan, several years ago — but quite unique as well, especially in the way the men hold themselves & their arms.
Anyway, I wanted to share. Not the best videos but perhaps you can get an idea of the dancing…
Traditional Dances / Panama from Meg Mahoney on Vimeo.
Las Tinajas Restaurant in Panama City does a great job of staging traditional Panamanian dances.
Wow! I love rhythm-based dance forms. The first part of the video had a Cumbia-like quality to the hips and feet, especially in the men. The arms are gorgeous. Thanks for posting this!
It was their arms that really caught me!